One of the best rpgs ever made, no question. The cinematics are good enough to combat graphics of todays games, which is amazing for a 1999 game, and the battle system is unique. Shocked this has not been reviewed yet, words cannot describe how amazing this game is. I would personally give Final Fantasy VIII a chance as I said the game is great, but have patience because in the first part of the game (tutorial and the search for Ifrit) you will get bored. The game is great, long storyline, intense gameplay, but the graphics are excellent only during the cutscenes the rest of the game the graphics aren't that great, on a fast look this game will apear boring and complicated (the first time i downloaded the game i deleted after 5 minutes of gameplay) This game is better on Playstation than on Pc. Another word of advice though, if you never tried this type of gameplay mix before, Final Fantasy VIII will prove too hard and unforgiving for a first experience, so that too you must take into account.
There are quite a few games in the series that were ported on the PC, and while the older ones might be playable emulated, this one is a true PC port, offering saving, loading and other amenities that are integral to the experience. If you are a fan of the FF series, you should not miss this one. As all JRPGs that matter and that make a difference, the game has an absolutely twisted but beautiful story, with uncertain drawings for the male characters, and with epic dialogues and twisted plots. But, ultimately, if you won't fall for this game's series use of turn based, heavy tactics fights, you'll have to give this one up. The animations are engorging and have a materiality and a feel that are hard to find, even in the most recent of RPGs. JRPG at its finest, Final Fantasy VIII sports all the beauty that Square Enix could pour into it. thankfully, there is not a single bad performance in the entire game.Modern, nice looking but still appealing only to a niche of RPG players, FF8 is a game that will immediately entice some but be too hard to sink in for others. Not just that, the voice acting is great! I was a little worried about the game having voice acting as you get an idea in your head of how these characters will sound. It features many of the songs that we know and love from the original, but there is also some new music too. It is not just the graphics that are amazing in Final Fantasy VII Remake. My only slight criticism is that as this game is just the first portion of the overall story, Midgar is not the most diverse-looking game world. The character models, the monsters, the insane amount of detail to the various locations that you will be going to! It all adds up to make it one of the most cinematic action RPGs I have ever played. The visuals are some of the best on the PlayStation 4 and I am legit very excited to see the PlayStation 5 version which is going to have even more polish to it. Best of all for me was the portrayal of Sephiroth who is just such a fantastic villain. They also introduce a few new characters as well and these do not feel shoehorned in at all and make the overall story better. They are all much more fleshed out, even characters like Biggs, Jesse, and Wedge who were nothing more than side characters in the original are fully developed here.

The way the characters are portrayed in Final Fantasy VII Remake is some of the best work that the people at Square-Enix have ever done. Things do not go as planned and before long Cloud and his new friends are in a battle to save the entire planet. They have hired Cloud to help them blow up a Mako reactor that is operated by the Shinra corporation. Once again, Cloud is our “hero” he has teamed up with a group called Avalanche that is led by the charismatic and badass Barrett.